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Books & Podcasts
Business Development
- Law Society of Upper Canada (2013). Free e-book. A Guide to Business Development for Women Lawyers.
- Coulter, Sylvia (2004). The Woman Lawyer’s Rainmaking Game: How to Build a Successful Legal Practice. Little Falls, NJ: Glasser Legal Works. (Available from
This book comes with a big price tag $89 US but packs a lot of value. It is my top recommendation for learning how to bring in new clients to your practice and your firm.
Both these books are directed at woman lawyers but apply equally to all lawyers. Men, don’t miss out because of this. They are great resources.
Getting Organized
- Allen, David (2001). Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress Free Productivity. New York, NY: Penguin.
- Rock, David (2009), Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long. HarperCollins.
One April long weekend several years ago I implemented the full “Getting Things Done” system. For lawyers I think the system as a whole can be too complex. What I recommend is reading the book and putting into action the systems and processes that best suit your way of working. The book has lots of great ideas you can easily implement.
Beating Procrastination
- Pychyl, Timothy A. (2010) Solving the Procrastination Puzzle: A Concise Guide to Strategies for Change.
A fabulous book with everything you need to know about overcoming your procrastination habit. The author, Dr. Pychyl is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology, the Director of the Centre for Initiatives in Education and he has a cross-appointment to the School of Linguistics and Language Studies. His research in psychology is focused on the breakdown in volitional action commonly known as procrastination and its relation to personal well-being. You can learn about his research at
- Rock, David (2007) Quiet Leadership: Six Steps to Transforming Performance at Work. Harper Business.
Listening Skills
Goulston, Mark (2010). Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone. New York, NY: AMACON.
The single most important skill for a professional is that which is most-frequently overlooked – listening. Everyone could do with investing in developing their listening ability (including me)! This book tells you how.
Your Professional Foundation
- Goldsmith, Marshall (2007). What Got You Here Won’t Get You There. New York, NY: Hyperion.
Goldsmith is one of the world’s best leadership coaches. This book is an entertaining read as well as a valuable tool for facing down the annoying habits that are getting in the way of your professional growth. (This book is especially valuable for those of you who think you don’t have any annoying habits!)
- Schwartz, Tony (2011). Be Excellent at Anything: The Four Keys To Transforming the Way We Work and Live. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, Inc.
This is the guidebook to many of the energy-sustaining practices for working smarter not harder. Do check out the related website
- Ury, William (2007). The Power of a Positive No. New York, NY: Random House.
This is the text book for learning how to say no in a way that is effective, in alignment with your priorities and values and in a manner which preserves relationships. If you are “no-challenged” this is a must-read!